From Heartbreak to Happiness

My 5 secrets to: Self-Love, Empowerment, and Financial Freedom

Life's challenges often come hand in hand with financial burdens. Why does the cost of living seem to rise endlessly? For me, it's been a perpetual cycle of surviving with the dream of thriving just out of reach—until now.

In the wake of personal upheaval, I discovered profound transformations that led me to craft a life filled with abundance, aloha, and self-empowerment. Join me as I unveil the five pivotal changes that propelled me towards my dream life.

  • Learning + Embracing Self-Love

  • Harnessing the Power of Affirmations + Manifestation

  • Practicing Mindful Parenting

  • Co-Parenting with Compassion

  • Embracing Entrepreneurship

So if you feel like there’s gotta be more to life than working away your days, juggling deadlines & diapers, and never feeling like enough, then you’re in the right place.

Learning + Embracing Self-Love

From a young age, societal pressures and religious constraints shaped my perception of self-worth. Enduring criticism and judgment, I grappled with insecurities and doubts, particularly in the aftermath of a painful breakup. However, the birth of my daughter became a catalyst for change, inspiring me to cultivate a deep well of self-love and acceptance. Through introspection, journaling, and embracing positive affirmations, I embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery. By prioritizing my well-being and embracing self-compassion, I unlocked the power of resilience and inner strength.

Harnessing Affirmations and Manifestation

In the realm of personal growth, I stumbled upon a profound revelation through unexpected sources—Snoop Dogg's Doggyland series for Kids… it’s EVERYTHING. In fact, one of my life changing moments could be finding Doggyland & Gracie’s because the songs bang (they’re legit good) and the lyrics are so empowering. This unconventional encounter sparked my exploration into the transformative power of affirmations and manifestation. Through the simple act of writing affirmations, I rewired my thought patterns, fostering a mindset of abundance and self-belief. Armed with the conviction that "I am enough," I harnessed the energy of manifestation to envision and actualize my deepest desires. Empowered by the belief in my inherent worthiness, I embarked on a journey of intentional living and conscious creation.

You could start with Doggyland like me, OR I have a FREE “31 days to Self-Love: Daily Affirmations for living your Best Life” eBook I’d LOVE to share with you. Get it Here -> I am worthy of my dream life

Practicing Mindful Parenting

Mamahood heralded both joy and challenges, inviting me to navigate the tumultuous tides of toddlerhood with patience and presence. I don’t like the term “terrible twos” because it feels like we are labeling these little ones finding new depths of their emotions, independence, and growth, as terrible. It is not. It is magical. Rejecting societal labels and embracing mindful parenting principles, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery alongside my baby girl. By fostering a nurturing environment grounded in empathy and understanding, I embraced the magic of witnessing her growth and self-discovery. Through mindful presence and unconditional love, I forged a deeper connection with babe and reclaimed my sense of purpose as a mama.

Co-Parenting with Compassion

Navigating the complexities of co-parenting, I confronted the daunting task of fostering harmony and collaboration amidst personal differences. Despite the challenges, our commitment to fostering a loving and supportive environment for our baby girl remained unwavering. Through open communication, mutual respect, and setting clear boundaries, my ex-partner and I embarked on a journey of collaborative co-parenting. By prioritizing our child's well-being above all else, we transcended conflict and embraced a shared vision of nurturing our daughter with love and compassion.

Embracing Entrepreneurship

Amidst personal upheaval and career transitions, I encountered a newfound opportunity for growth and self-reinvention. Following a corporate downsizing in December, I embarked on a journey of entrepreneurship, determined to create a life aligned with my values and aspirations. Enrolling in the Digital Wealth Academy, I acquired the tools and knowledge to establish an online business and harness the potential of digital marketing. Empowered by the freedom to pursue my passions and prioritize mamahood, I embraced a new chapter of financial independence and fulfillment.

If you are…

  • ready to invest in yourself + your future

  • itching to say goodbye to your 9-5

  • dreaming of a life with time, flexibility, and financial abundance

    THIS IS FOR YOU! Get it here-> I am READY for my Dream Life

    Mahalo for being here with me + cheers to making moves towards your BEST life.


The Online course that changed my life.